Executive Summary
Best Practice and Continuous improvement
- Regline Care Limited follows a policy which promotes and maintains People We Support’s (PWS) normal social network and social activities. This includes carefully recorded and regularly updated care plans which note the life history, social networks and contacts, preferences for activities and hobbies including where appropriate, PWS’s triggers and dislikes. Complaints and whistleblowing will be taken seriously so to be actioned with fairness and impartiality within regulated time frames from 24 hours with final conclusions within 28 days. PWS’s representatives like Social Services or The Clinical Commissioning Group and other available advocacy services including Local Authorities and the Policy where applicable will be involved wherever and whenever there is need in dealing with complaints. The five core principles of care provision will be strictly adhered to, that is making sure that the service is, well-led, safe, caring, responsive and effective.
- Regline Care Limited recognises that the usually accepted ways of service provision are no longer acceptable. It is no longer business as usual in care provision. In this regard Regline Care is going to commit resources in researching the best practices of continuous improvement so as to attain acceptable levels of excellence.
- The service will make sure that there are sufficient numbers of suitable staff in order to maintain the safety and meet the needs of the People We Support (PWS). This provides safety of both the carers and the PWS.
- Managers, team leaders and all responsible leadership will formulate long term plans, mid-term plans and short term plans. This will enable the constant improvement of the system for planning, service delivery, innovation promotion and allocation of resources- hence evidence that the service is well-led.
Quality Assurance
- We recognise that inspection takes up a lot of time and resources whilst at the same time causing anxiety among managers and employees alike. Therefore, quality assurance which is based on continuous improvement principles will lead to responsibility for quality service being shouldered by everyone involved. It will become a way of life, showing that the service is
- Managers will focus on quality, therefore they will consistently be focused on informing and insisting on this focus so that everybody is action oriented.
- The PWS will receive care that exceeds adequate standards. Instead they will get care that is based on best practices for individual needs and person-centred, thus proving that our service is caring.
On the Job Training
- Managers and employees alike will be encouraged to constantly update and improve their skills using modern on-the-job training methods. Remuneration bonuses will be paid as an incentive for completing set training.
- Regline Care Limited will identify the needs of the People We Support (PWS) and with the involvement of stakeholders will draw up the necessary training requirements in line with the PWS’s needs, this shows that our service is
- Staff will be trained in providing the necessary skills required for them to carry out their roles and responsibilities in a humane way.
Driving out anxiety
- Regline Limited will promote and encourage effective two way communication between employees, stakeholders and PWS. This will help in driving out anxiety from the organisation so that harmony is inculcated. This will make sure that the service is
- Exhortations and slogans or posters which do not provide effective or useful ways of doing things will be eliminated and discontinued. All people involved will have the opportunity to ask or even challenge certain ways of doing things. All suggestions will be taken on board.This shows that the service is
- Barriers between departments, staff areas and PWS will be broken down since everyone is expected to work in a cross-dimensional fashion.
- The service will promote a positive culture that is open, person-centred inclusive and empowering showing that the service is
Elimination of Arbitrary Numerical Targets
- Prescribed numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for managers will be eliminated and replaced by helpful leadership and aids in order achieve continuous improvement of quality and productivity
- Workers will be encouraged to take pride in their workmanship as they brainstorm and share ideas on the provision of quality focused care. This will ensure that the service is well-led.
- PWS will feel and believe that they are valued as people not as statistics. Their independence will be of paramount importance and their input and suggestions will be noted and taken into consideration in accordance with the Law e.g. Health and Social Care Act 2008, Equality and Diversity, Deprivation of Liberty, Data Protection Regulation 2016, Data Protection Act 2018 and Safeguarding Adults among others. This will help in ensuring that the service is
Removal of lowest tender
- Regline Care Limited recognises that the highest price does not necessarily translate to best value for money. In light of this fact Regline Care Limited will examine all supply relationships with a view to ensuring long term sustainable value for money based on total cost, not only initial cost.
- Quality will not be compromised in order to save money, neither will waste be accommodated where it can be avoided, thus ensuring that our service is
Regline Care Limited is a Domiciliary Care Agency registered and incorporated in the UK in accordance with the Companies Act of 2006. Our registration number is 10893227. The Agency offers a unique combination of premier home health care and community-based social services to adult service users in Coventry, Birmingham, and Warwickshire, Leicestershire, the West Midlands Region and neighbouring counties. The Company has been in operation since its inception in August 2017, with a lot of work being undertaken in the background in preparation for registration with the Care Quality Commission and subsequent commencement of operations and delivery of services as soon as the agency obtained its registration. This was achieved on 13/06/2016. The company’s directors have a combined experience in excess of twenty-four years.
- Regline Care Limited wishes to provide skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
- Treat all people supported by us and people who work here with respect at all times.
- Uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit here and of all the PWS.
- Support individual’s choice and personal decision making as the right of all the PWS.
- Respect and encourage the right of independence of all the PWS.
- Recognise the individual uniqueness the PWS, staff and visitors and treat them with dignity and respect at all times.
- Respect individual requirements for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
- Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of the PWS and staff.
This document is not the end all of our way of doing things because it will be updated and upgraded following the necessary periodical reviews.